- EN / CZ -
Před týdnem k nám dorazila várka čerstvého, zeleného čaje z Číny. Čaj je sklizen koncem dubna a pochází z oblasti Huang Shan, produkovaný malou rodinou firmou, se kterou máme dlouholeté zkušenosti a vždy s netrpělivostí očekáváme další várku jejich čajových lahůdek.
Bi Lo Chun - tightly rolled tender spring leaves and buds represent the epitome of chinese green teas. Tea provides its distinct fruity taste and flora aroma.
Bi Lo Chun - něžně srolované jarní listy a pupeny představují absolutní klasiku mezi čínskými čaji. |
Pre-Qing Ming Long Jing - This is the finest grade of this famous Dragon Well green teas made from the first tender spring pickings. Smooth, nutty, clean tasting and very generous.
Pre-Qing Ming Long Jing - výtečná třída slavné Dračí studny, vyrobená z jemných jarních lístků. Chuť je hladká, s náznakem orchidejí a oříšků, následována osvěžujícím afterastem.
Huan Shan Mao Jian - A classic and enchanting green tea from Anhui. Refreshing, delicate and vivifying
with subtle notes of wild fern vegetables and buttery sweetness.
Huan Shan Mao Jian - klasický a opravdu okouzlující zelený čaj z oblasti Anhui. Velmi osvěžující, delíkátní čaj s jemným náznakem divokých kapradin a máslové sladkosti.
Lu An Gua Pian - known as the melon seed green tea, this is another classic, distinctive tea from Anhui.
It features a sweet and rich almond-like texture that coats the mouth and lingers on pleasantly.
Lu An Gua Pian - čaj známý také pod názvem melounová semínka, jedná se o další klasiku z čínské produkce, z oblasti Anhui. Nabízí bohatou chuť, se sladkým náznakem a texturou po mandlích.
Huan Shan Mao Fong - This is a unique rendition of the classic and enchanting green tea from Anhui
made from the same varietal, but wild. This tea has an inviting bouquet of wild flowers with notes of wild fern vegetables and buttery sweetness.
made from the same varietal, but wild. This tea has an inviting bouquet of wild flowers with notes of wild fern vegetables and buttery sweetness.
Huan Shan Mao Fong - jedná se o velmi uníkatní variantu čajové klasiky Huan Shan Mao Feng z oblasti Anhui, čaj ze stejné variety, avšak divoce rostoucí. Vůně divokých květin a v chuti náznak divoké kapradiny s máslovou sladkostí.
Huan Shan Taiwan style green tea - This is a very unique tea which blends the Huangshan terroir with Bao Zhong style teas. It is smooth and round with light, almond like, sweetness and the flowery freshness of Taiwanese oolongs.
Huan Shan Taiwan style green tea - velmi výjimečný čaj z oblasti Huangshan, avšak zpracovaný taiwanskou metodou Bao zhong. Je to velmi jemný a lehký čaj, chutí nasládlý, s květinovou svěžšestí oolongů z Taiwanu.
Huan Shan Taiwan style green tea - velmi výjimečný čaj z oblasti Huangshan, avšak zpracovaný taiwanskou metodou Bao zhong. Je to velmi jemný a lehký čaj, chutí nasládlý, s květinovou svěžšestí oolongů z Taiwanu.
Jin Xuan Black - The Jin Xuan cultivar is a perfect choice to make a black tea with a smooth creamy character with aromas of baked rolled oats and hints of sweet wild honey in your cup. An easy drinking and
soothing cup.
soothing cup.
Jin Xuan Black - Jin Xuan je skvělou volbou kultivaru i pro černý čaj. Nabízí hladce krémový charakter s vůní praženého ovsa a lehkým náznakem chuti divokého medu. Velmi příjemný čaj k pravidelnému popíjení.
Wu Yi Rock oolong - This heavier baked tea made from more oxidized leaves is somewhat similar to Da Hong Pao Oolong with luscious jammy fruitiness and chocolaty roasted notes.
Wu Yi Rock oolong - Úroveň oxidace 25%, středně pražený - level 6. Čaj podobný známému Da Hong Pao. Chuť s náznakem sladkého džemu a čokoládovými tóny.
I am Mrs Kate Curtis, I want to share a testimony of my life to everyone. I was married to my husband Clifford Curtis, I love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. When he went for a vacation to France he meant a lady called Mary?, he told me that he is no longer interested in our marriage anymore. I was so confused and seeking help, I didn't know what to do until I met my friend Augustina and told her about my problem. She told me not to worry about it because she had a similar problem before and introduced me to a man called Dr James who cast a spell on her ex and brought him back to her after 1days. Augustina asked me to contact Dr James. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he asked me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by two days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After two day my husband called and told me he was coming back to seek out things with me, I was surprised when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr James to restore your marriage back, resolve your divorce, win your court case, get out of jail, he is an honest man. His contact Drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com He is the best spell caster who can help you within 2 days. Or call/whatsapp him on +2348152855846